duminică, 18 septembrie 2016

How to choose the best 360 virtual tour provider

I am positive that if you are going to start swearching for the best 360 virtual tour provider, then you should definitely try the Tour Wizard - becausethis software solution is able to create gorgeous virtual tours starting from some simple images, images that a certain user of the platform is uploading in the cloud and then brings them together in what would be an effort to create the virtual presentation, then the best solution would be to adopt tight now Tour Wizard solution.

A major argument is in the ease of use of this software solution makes the perfect software for the marketing and sales departments of the big real estate companies that need to create virtual tours for their firms.

Besides everything, the fact that this solution has the best support, help, guides and the level of documentation is very good makes it a good candidate for the people who like to learn how to use the software themselves, the learning curve is very good also for a kid, that wants to learn a bit about technology.

At this moment, as far as the marketing and sales (or to better say it promotion) features are integrated in this software, we have to say that it is the best out ther, as the virtual tour can be distributed, can be sent on an email, embedded wherever you want. In a simple situation, this software is more thanable to make the online marketing necessary things in order to quickly sell your house.

Regarding the price, we have to say that the main plan is very competitive, as all the features needed are in the package and there are no hidden fees, no any other extra paid featurest that you would need to pay later (which could be very annoying).  

miercuri, 14 septembrie 2016

Transfer to Otopeni airport

There are days and days - as this life has certain moments when everything works great and all the things that you try or actually do are great accomplishments and on the other side the re are days when nothing really works as it should - and those days are the worst a man can desire in this life.

One of the good days was when I was in holiday in Romania and I was visiting Dracula's castle - which in fact was the castle owned by the monarchs from Romania - it was simply splendid - the nature, the architecture, the style of all those places - the food was also great and tes experience was marvelous - simply put it was the best day of my life.

But the next day was one of the worse, as we had a plane to catch, and our car simply broke - a rented car from Sixt, which meant that we were to loose our expensive flight to the States, a lot of money and everything was dreadful.

We were very lucky to find some good people that helped with a couple of phone calls, and we went with a local company that was providing a very nice service for Transfer to Otopeni airport - also with a great luxury Mercedes car for a nice price.

We had a very good experience as travelers in Romania, as we hiked the roads, we saw a lot of castles and fortified churches and many other interesting things - and we have also enjoyed food and the local cuisine.

We recommend anyone to make a trip in Romania - also Rentcarwithdriver really hepled us.

sâmbătă, 20 august 2016

Angajare fotograf pentru botez

Exista anumite evenimente in viata noastra pe care dorim sa le retraim si sa ne amintim de ele cu placere pe viitor, fie ca este vorba de nunti, botezuri sau aniversari. Chiar daca in ziua de azi, cu totii dispunem de aparate foto sau telefoane performante ce pot capta imagini, este nevoie de de mai mult decat atat si anume de talent si un simt grozav pentru a putea realiza fotografia perfecta. Din acest motiv, tot mai multe persoane cauta sa angajeze fotograf pentru botez, deoarece acestia au experienta necesara pentru a transforma un eveniment special intr-o amintire de neuitat.
Aparatura potrivita
Putini sunt cei care dispun de un aparat profesional si mai putini sunt cei care stiu cum sa profite de toate functiile acestora. In acest sens este nevoie de urmarea unor cursuri si traininguri pentru a dobandi abilitatile necesare, acesta fiind unul dintre criteriile care deosebeste fotografii profesionsti de cei mai putin experimentati. In plus, in functie de eveniment se poate angaja un anumit tip de fotograf, acestia fiind, de regula, specializati pe diferite sectiuni. Aparatura joaca un rol important in surprinderea imaginilor grozave, insa poate mai importante sunt experienta si talentul.
Carte de vizita
Din acest motiv, pentru angajare fotograf pentru botez, clientii pot urmari mai multe portofolii ale artistilor, intrucat acestea pot fi considerate niste adevarate carti de vizita. In plus, aceasta arta nu se rezuma doar la capturarea imaginilor potrivite, intrucat unii clienti pot dori si alcatuirea unui album foto, caz in care diferenta este facuta si de abilitatea de a folosi anumite programe de editare foto.
Pentru cele mai bune servicii in acest sens trebuie sa alegeti fotograful potrivit, care sa inspire incredere deoarece amintirile unui eveniment special depind de capacitatile acestuia. In plus si seriozitatea joaca un rol important, deoarece acestia trebuie sa se dedice activitatii efectuate.

miercuri, 16 martie 2016

Modelele de videochat lucreaza 20 sau 30 de ore pe saptamana

Modelele de videochat care lucreaza chiar si 20 sau 30 de ore pe saptamana au parte de salarii consistente, in timp ce fetele cele mai experimentate obtin venituri cu mult peste media tarii. In plus, in cazul multor studiouri importante, plata se poate face in fiecare zi, saptamanal sau lunar, in functie de dorintele modelelor. 

Fiecare studio trebuie sa puna la dispozitia angajatilor un echipament prin care sa poata bloca accesul utilizatorilor din anumite tari, printre care Romania si altele populate de romani precum Italia sau Spania, astfel incat modelele sa nu se simta stanejenite ca ar putea fi urmarite de persoane cunoscute. 

Cat trebuie sa lucrez pe saptamana?
Cele mai multe studiouri nu impun un anumit numar de ore pe saptamana care trebuie lucrate, insa uneori se poate alege intre 20 si 40 de ore, iar in alte situatii modelul lucreaza in functie de cat timp are si de ce venituri isi doreste sa obtina. Daca se multumeste cu sume mai mici, agentiile nu pot face restrictii, insa veniturile mari vin dupa mai multa munca, iar seriozitatea este rasplatita prin bonusuri consistente.

De unde se poate lucra?
Initial se poate lucra doar de la studio pentru ca fetele sa invete toate trucurile si secretele pentru atragerea urmaritorilor, iar dupa ce se capata experienta necesara, se poate lucra si de acasa. In schimb, in acest caz fetele trebuie sa isi asigure propriul echipament, laptop performant, webcam de calitate si conexiune la internet. 

Cand se poate renunta?
Oricare ar fi motivul, se poate renunta oricand. In functie de durata contractului semnat si a bonusurilor obtinute, atunci cand renunta, fetele nu trebuie decat sa returneze sumele primite pentru care nu au apucat insa sa munceasca, iar din acest motiv, majoritatea modelelor aleg sa semneze de la o luna la alta.

Mai multe detalii: aici